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What is Kungsleden?
Kungsleden, or the King’s Trail, is a famous long-distance hiking trail in northern Sweden. The trail stretches over 400 kilometers (250 miles) through some of the most stunning and remote wilderness areas of Sweden. It begins in the town of Abisko and ends in the village of Hemavan, passing through four national parks and several nature reserves along the way. The trail is known for its beautiful scenery, which includes snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and vast expanses of tundra.
The Rayon Vert team travelled it in the summer of 2022, crossing northern lights, herds of reindeer and fording rivers. Inside the book are the materials we gathered before starting the expedition: weather conditions, recommended gear, deliveries, etc.
The book also contains all the photos of the expedition taken by:
Clelia Ponteri
Davide Dicorato
Giacomo Santi
Paolo Pirovano
Riccardo Raspa
Sofia Blu Cremaschi
Vieri dalla Chiesa
Yuri Kaban
September 2023
Printed by Lasergraph
150 pages