December 15, 2021 - 6:00 pm

As part of the ‘hiking trips and tips’ format, RayonVert presents the first in a series of travelling outdoor-themed talks.

Focused on climate change and outdoor education presented by Rayon Vert in
collaboration with Terraforma and supported by Nike ACG. The talk will be followed by Fritto FM
Showcase: a music selection by DJ Ndooya, Ascot/WW and Oree.


MICHELE FREPPAZ is a pedologist and snow scientist with a PhD awarded in 2001
at the University of Torino. He is Associate professor at the Agricultural, Forest and
Food Sciences Department of the University of Torino. Among his present-day
teaching activities: mountain soils, snow ecology and principles of alpine
meteorology, soil survey laboratory, prevention of soil erosion, landslides and snow
avalanches, applied pedology. His research focuses on the genesis and functioning
of mountain soils with a special interest for the processes at the snow/soil
interface. Moreover, he works on the impacts of cryosphere degradation on soil and
surface water properties. He has current and past research activities in many of the
mountain ranges throughout the world, including the Rocky Mountains, the Andes
and the Himalayas.

NEUNAU, artist name of Sergio Maggioni, in 2015 returns to live in Valle Camonica,
where he comes from, and he founded the NEUNAU as artistic research project.
This ancient name was found carved on a rock surface in the LOA area, an Iron Age
sacred place of recent discovery. The project is carried out through an
archaeological and musicological approach to the sound research. NEUNAU’s
sound investigations develop from the smallest details conveyed by a sound
source, capturing and studying these sounds, searching for their musical
potentiality, with the aim to produce audio tracks and documentary clips, where the
main character is the sound itself, used to tell its own story. In 2020 he created the
research project “UN SUONO IN ESTINZIONE” which aims to monitor the
implications of climate change on alpine glaciers through artistic and scientic
exploration, in collaboration with universities, institutions and partners.


To partecipate to the evening talk panel and/or the showcase please enter your details in the rsvp below.

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.